Captura de pantalla 2021-03-26 a la(s) 02.18.36


Dr. Dolores Figueroa is a researcher at the Center for Research and Advanced Studies in  Social Anthropology (CIESAS) in Mexico City. Dr. Figueroa’s academic expertise focuses  on conceptualizing structural, social and extreme violence against indigenous women in  rural areas and critically dialoguing with the anti-racist feminist advocacy work in Mexico.  During the last two years, she was part of an initiative aimed at creating networks between  social researchers, technicians and indigenous women’s organizations, such as the National  Coordination of Indigenous Women of Mexico (CONAMI) to strengthen their community  initiative called «Community Emergency of Violence» to build a database to document  various types of violence that impact indigenous women and their peoples in various  regions of Mexico. In addition, she participates in a CIESAS coordinated collaborative  research project designed to convey technical support and documenting the activist work of  human rights defenders of the Human Rights Center Tlachinollan located in Tlapa, in the  Mountain Region of Guerrero.